Update Overall LEO Activities
Okay, I'm here today is just to update you guys some LEO stuff lo... there had lotta activities happen after my LEO Forum, such as the :
- Leadership Camp
- Taylor College LEO (Omega)'s Installation
- Youth Exchange (YE) Party
- National Month Project
- Joint (8 clubs) Installation
Hmmm... Let's go on with my club's Leadership Camp that was organized by June. That's is just a one day camp and not many members attend that activity, what a sad thing to know. That day, for those who came, sure had their happy moment with us as we play games together and so on. What game do we have? I'm not going to tell here but you can see later through some pictures I post... hehe... that day was really a fun day for me... nice and cool... I enjoy that day very much... XD

June: " Members, listen..."

Sabrina: " Now, sit down and listen to my grandmother story. Once upon a time..."

Yi Lin: " Squeeze... Go... Push... lol..."

Sabrina: " Yi Lin, where are you looking at arr? Don't be camera-shy la !!!"

Jason: " June~~~ What are you doing with the banana??"


Jason: "...*Speechless*..."

Sabrina & Jason

June & Jason

Serious Shot

Candy Shot

" Alien !!! War of The World !!! Arrhhh...."

" Let me save the world !!!"

" Let's us save the world by seduce Mr Alien away with this !!!

"Both of you, go back home la !!! Let's us do the hard job !!!"

Jason: " LEO mean Leadership, Experience, Opportunity..."

Having another game...

I'm doing facial... Don't disturb me...

Thanks to Jonathan, put flour on my hair...

Say cheese...

Yi Lin: " Ooouccchhhhh~ My leg !!!"
Haha, done Leadership camp. Next to the Taylor College LEO Club (Omega)'s Installation... that day, only 2 of us, Me and Sabrina represent our club for that installation... That day not many people attend and I know some of the members there (only one i guess... lol...) Okay la... stop crapping... check out the picture... actually not many picture in la... most of them are me and Sabrina... haha...enjoy !!!

Taylor Clooege, Wisdom.Integrity.Excellence

Rock Band~~ Damn Cool !!!

The members are getting install...

Sabrina: " Congratulation..."

Sabrina got the souvenir from Talyor LEO Club's President.

Jason & Sabrina.

Group Picture.

Sabrina , Lion (Forget his name) & Jason.
Just wanna to make it short, following is the Youth Exchange (YE) Party. This is a party that we make for the Japanese Youth Exchange. Hmmm... the party was held at June's house as she just move into a new house... quite nice anyway... have a great time... maybe... sigh -_- !!

Jason, Mei Kwan & Yi Lin

Mei Kwan & Yi Lin slapping Jason... " OUCH !!! "

Am I as cute as him ??

June :" Yi LIN ~~~ !!! "

My beloved Wei Shiong... please~~ both of us are straight la ~~

Do I look cool ?

The YEs and friends

Everyone: " Jason !!! We are not ready yet !!! "

How's the feel? Enjoy? Hey, what am I talking here arr? anyway... let's move on... Our next stop... yeah !!! My National Month Project... I'm the Organizing Chairperson for that project... My first ever project after so long being a LEO member. I wanna thanks someone here... June, Sabrina, Sue Keng and the rest... the LEO members... Thank you guys very much in helping me for this project... without the help of you guys... this project can't be successfull !!! ありがとう ('thank you' in Japanese version) !!!

They are starting. Come on , Go ! Go ! Go !

Half-way finishing...

Can you see the shape of the National Flag ~ Jalur Germilang

After painting the flag... we paint the school walls also.

Actually I just want to show the picture of me helping... but... girls, stop fighting...

From Left to Right : Sabrina, June & Sue Keng

Haha... we also paint the stone in our garden ~ Taman Germilang
Finally we had come to the end and I am going to bring you guys to my club's installation... this is a big event as total of 8 clubs from different school joint together for this installation. Which 8 clubs you ask... and that is :
- SMK Subang Utama
- SMK Seafield
- Sm Sri KL
- SMK La Salle Petaling Jaya
- SMK Batu 8 Puchong
- SMK Subang Jaya
This installation is held at Sri Sedaya Hall and it is really a fun day !!! But too bad that day I have to help out so I did not take any picture of that event, just took some picture with my friends and I will show you some of them... Check it out !!!

Jason & Yiun Zi

Jason & Mei Kwan

Jie Ying, Yiun Zi, Mei Kwan, Jason & Mei Ting

Mei Ting, Mei Kwan, Yiun Zi, Jason & Yoke Ning

Jason & Carrie

Up: Kean How & Eu Vin
Down: Debra, Jason & Carrie

Debra & Jason

Eu Vin & Jason

Jason & Jessine

Jason @ M
Yeah !!! Finally I had finish my blog... sorry if I got any spelling mistake and so on... Enjoy reading !!!
haha vainpot :P
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